Speech Research 2025

The Phonetics Research Group of the HUN-REN Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics, Hungary (1068 Budapest, Benczúr u. 33.) cordially invites you to the Beszédkutatás – Speech Research conference.

Conference date: 9–10th October 2025.

Venue: HUN-REN Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics (1068 Budapest, Benczúr utca 33.), in person.

Invited speakers

Štefan Beňus (Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra & Slovak Academy of Sciences)

Barbara Schuppler (Graz University of Technology, Austria)

Submission details

The languages of the conference are English and Hungarian. Talks will be oral
presentations of 15+5 minutes or posters. Abstract should be uploaded via: https://easychair.org/conferences?conf=beszkut2025.

*** Abstract submission deadline: 20th June 2025. ***

Submissions are two-page abstracts, with figures, tables and references permitted on an additional third page (A4, Times New Roman 12, single space). The application for the conference should be anonymous, i.e. the authors should not be revealed/identifiable by
self-references, and thus also acknowledgements should be avoided in the first submission.

Talks include all areas connected to speech science, for example: 

  • articulatory, acoustic and perceptual studies; 
  • realisations of phonological phenomena in speech; 
  • prosody and its interface with syntax, semantics and pragmatics; 
  • first and second language acquisition, bi- or multilingualism; 
  • discourse analysis; 
  • sociophonetics; 
  • speech disorders, speech pathology; 
  • forensic phonetics;
  • speech technology: speech recognition, speech synthesis; 
  • construction of speech databases.

Important dates

Abstract submisson: June 20th 2025.

Notification of acceptance: 5th August 2025.

Revised abstract submission: 5th September 2025.

Online registration deadline: 5th September 2025.

Registration deadline: tba.

Conference date: 9–10th October 2025.

Organising committee

Tekla Etelka Gráczi, Kornélia Juhász, Anna Kohári, Katalin Mády and Katalin Pirsel