- research professor, Linguistics Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest
- professor at Phonetics Department, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest
Main research areas:
- coarticulation
- disfluency phenomena
- speech production and perception in children
Current: Head of the Phonetics Laboratory, Linguistics Institute, Hungarian Academy of Science, and professor of the Phonetics Department, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest.
1991: visiting professor – IPO (Eindhoven, The Netherlands)
1987: postdoctoral fellowship at the Speech Research Laboratory of MIT (Cambridge, USA),
Education, scientific achievements, awards
2008: Bárczi Gusztáv Award for clinical phonetics activities
2008: Scientific Award of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
2005: elected member of the philosophy department of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
2004: member of the Chief Scientific Board of the Presidency of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
2004: member of the Presidency of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
2004: Brassai Sámuel Award for applied phonetic research
2000: Széchenyi Professorship Award (for outstanding research and teaching)
1996: habilitation
1994: Békésy-Award for practical applications in speech technology
1993: DSc, highest doctoral (academic) degree of Hungary
1993: Békésy György Award of the ENT Board of Hungary for scientific and practical work
1990: Kempelen Farkas Award given for applied phonetic research in speech pathology
1986: Award of Young Scientists by the Hungarian Academy of Science
1986: PhD in phonetics
1977: university doctoral degree with the qualification of summa cum laude
1975: graduated from Eötvös Loránd University of Budapest with an M.A. degree in Hungarian and Russian linguistics and literature.
I have developed a test package (GMP) for the evaluation of children’s speech perception and comprehension (used all over Hungary).
Research areas: experimental and applied phonetics, speech technology, psycholinguistics, speech disorders
Undergraduate, graduate and PhD courses. Currently 39 PhD-students. 33 of my former students have obtained their PhD-degree.
1991-1993: courses at the Department of General Linguistics, University of Vienna (Austria).
1977-1987: courses at the College for Teacher Training, Budapest.
Lecturing abroad
University of Graz, Vienna (Austria), University of Boston, Gallaudet University, MIT (USA), University of Helsinki, Amsterdam, Stockholm, University College London, Toronto, KTH (Stockholm), University of Bratislava, Goethe University (Frankfurt), Max Planck Institute (Nijmegen), Teacher Training College of Greifswald (Germany), University of Zagreb (Croatia).
2008: OTKA project: Spontaneous speech database
2002-2007: two Hungarian OTKA projects
2004-2006: NKFP Hungarian Ministry Project (speech synthesis)
2001-2002: Széchenyi Information Society Project (speech perception)
1994-2007: 6 Hungarian OTKA-projects
1999-2001 NKFP – national scientific project (speech synthesis testing)
1994-1995: COST219 international project (speech synthesis and hearing evaluation)
1993-1996: Copernicus Project (Speak), Speech Generation in Multimodal Information Systems.
Publications, organizations
13 scientific books (one in English), 3 books for the general public on speech. More than 370 published papers (in Hungarian, English, German and Russian). 19 edited books, permanent editor of the Speech Research Working Papers (on speech) in Hungary (in Hungarian). Hirsch-index: 23.
2007: Guest editor of the issue of 95 and 96 of the journal entitled The Phonetician.
2015–: Editor-in-chief of the journal entitled The Phonetician.
2004–2007: Member of Presidency of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
2000–2006: President of the editorial board of the Hungarian Journal of Applied Linguistics. Editorial member of several other Hungarian journals. Editorial board member of the Journal of Research in Reading (1995–1999), Govor (1999–), Journal of Multilingual Speech Communication Disorders (2001–2007), The Phonetician (2003–2015), Journal of IPA (2008–2017).
2000–2006: President of the Committee of the Hungarian Applied Linguistics; 1995–: Vice-President of the Hungarian Society of Phonetics, Phoniatrics and Speech Therapy.
Chief organizer of international congresses: Speech Research (1989), Child Language Congress (1991), International Kempelen Workshop (2004), International workshop dedicated to Challenges in analysis and processing of spontaneous speech (2017).
International commitments
2011–2015: elected member of the Council of the International Phonetic Association
2003–: Secretary General of the International Society of Phonetic Sciences
1997–2000: board member of ESCA European Speech Communication Association (later ISCA)
1992–1997: representative of Hungary in the European Committee of the International Reading Association
Plenary talks at international conferences: reading conference (Toronto, 1995), dyslexia conference (Stockholm (1998), Eurospeech ’99 (Budapest, 1999), International Speech Research Conference (Zagreb, 2004), ICPLA (Dubrovnik, 2006), International Speech Research Conference (Zagreb, 2007), NILD-congress (Budapest, 2009).