Tekla Etelka Gráczi


  • senior research fellow


E-mail: graczi.tekla.etelka[@]nytud.hun-ren.hu




  • 2013: PhD-degree: 2013, Thesis title: Zörejhangok akusztikai fonetikai elemzése a zöngésségi oppozíció függvényében (Acoustic phonetic approach to the voicing opposition of obstruents)
  • 2005–2008: PhD studies: program of Hungarian Linguistics at ELTE
  • 2005: certification in Speech Perception Diagnostics and Therapy
  • 2002–2006: Special Program of Experimental and Applied Phonetics (ELTE)
  • 2001–2006: studied Hungarian Linguistics and Literature at Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE); degree: 2006.
  • 1995–2001: Szent István High School (higher level maths class)

Positions, teaching

  • since 2016: Research Fellow at the MTA-ELTE “Lendület” Lingual Articulation Research Group
  • since 2014: Research Fellow at Research Institute for Linguistics, MTA
  • 2008–2014: Junior Research Fellow at Research Institute for Linguistics, MTA
  • 2003–2006 student assistant at Department of Phonetics, ELTE.
  • Phonetics and statistics related curses at ELTE BTK and PPKE

Research Projects and grants

  • MTA Bolyai János Research Grant from 2023
  • New National Excellence Program: ÚNKP+, Eötvös Loránd University, 2023
  • leading researcher of the Fonetikai paraméterek beszélők közötti és beszélőn belüli variabilitása a magyar beszédben (Intra- and interspeaker variability of phonetic parameters in Hungarian) funded by the Hungarian National Research, Development and Innovation Office, No. FK-128814
  • participation in the development of BEA-database and in the research on the database (OTKA-projects)


  • 2024: Kempelen Farkas (Wolfgang von Kempelen) medallion, Hungarian Association for Phonetics, Phoniatry and Speech Therapy
  • 2018: Herman József award for young researchers (Research Institute for Linguistics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
  • 2017: Award of the best presentation of young researchers: Congress of the Hungarian Society of Phonetics, Phoniatrics and Logopedics.
  • 2011: ISCA Google Grant to support participation on Interspeech 2011
  • 2005. Scholarship for Scientific Works by Students, Eötvös Loránd University
  • 2005. Scholarship of Hungarian Republic for Outstanding Students
  • 2005. Award of the best presentation of young researchers with Angéla Imre: Congress of the Hungarian Society of Phonetics, Phoniatrics and Logopedics.


  • since 2018: coedition of Doktoranduszok tanulmányai az alkalmazott nyelvészet köréből. (‘PhD-students’ papers on applied linguistics’)
  • since 2018: member of the editorial board of the journal Alkalmazott Nyelvtudomány
  • 2012: Guest editing of The Phonetician 2012 with Steven M. Lulich
  • since 2012: technical edition of The Phonetician
  • 2009–2014: participation in the technical edition of Beszédkutatás (Speech Research) journal
  • since 2008: fonetika.nytud.hu and capss2017@nytud.hu
  • 2011-2014: participation in the technical edition of the Proceedings of the annual Alkalmazott Nyelvészeti Doktoranduszkonferencia (5th to 8th Conference for Students in Applied Linguistics)

Further activities

  • participation in several scientific outreach events for the World Voice Day in Hungary
  • participation in organizing several scientific outreach events for the Festiv of Hungarian Research
  • since 2005: participation in the organization of Beszédkutatás (Speech Research) conference
  • 2011-2014, 2018: participation in  the organization of Alkalmazott Nyelvészeti Doktoranduszkonferencia (‘Conference for PhD-students in Applied Linguistics’)
  • 2004: participation in the organization of Fonetika a felsőoktatásban (Phonetics in higher education)
  • 2004: participation in organization of the International Workshop in Phonetics Dedicated to the Memory of Wolfgang von Kempelen
  • 2004–2011: participation in organization of the Egyetemi anyanyelvi napok, later: Kiejtési verseny and participation in organization of the Simonyi Zsigmond helyesírási verseny (2005, 2006) – pronunciation and orthography competitions in Hungary


  • since 2018: member, secretary of the Alkalmazott Nyelvészeti Munkabizottság (‘Committee of Applied Linguistics’ of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
  • membership in the Hungarian Association for Phonetics, Phoniatry and Speech Therapy.